Friday, February 26, 2010

Cupcakes by Carousel Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month At Betsey Johnson’s Store In Hackensack, NJ

Not only are these beautiful cupcakes irresistably sweet, they are also served in honor of a sweet event that took place at Betsey's retail store in Hackensack, New Jersey. The month of October is considered Breast Cancer Awareness Month honoring all cancer victims struggling with the disease, as well as remembering all of the victims who have lost their battle with the disease. Designer Betsey Johnson is a breast cancer survivor and has had her own battle with cancer. Betsey believes that knowledge is power and encourages all women to know and understand the importance of routine self examinations, early dection and the continuous strive for on-going research to help find a cure.
Cupcakes by Carousel was proud to be a sponsor of the five day event and contributed hundreds of cupcakes for the cause. All of the procedes from the cupcakes go directly to Breast Cancer Research.

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